Monday, March 6, 2017

Week 8-Growth Mindset

For my growth mindset this week I wanted to touch on the idea of failure. As college students, failure often seems imminent and unavoidable. Whether it is a bad grade on a test or an internship rejection, failure is often hard to take and move on from. For this post I chose the video from Meet the Robinsons. I love this clip because its cute and shows the value that failure can have in our lives. I know what you are thinking "Failure? Value? Theres no way those two concepts go together."

While its often hard to see the value in failure there is some. Failure teaches you what not to do and what you can do better. It shows you different ways to get a result and helps propel you into succeeding. As students, there are many areas in our lives in which we can encounter failure. In those moments it is important to remember that the work we do is valuable even if we don't succeed. In this clip and in this class there are two main messages that stick out, "Keep Moving Forward" and "Focus on Your Progress." Failure is just progress in disguise, because for every time I fail I am that much closer to succeeding. I hope everyone remembers that as they go into midterms and into graduation. Be positive and focus on the great progress you are making!

"Keep Moving Forward" from Meet the Robinsons. Web Source 


  1. Awe I loved this little clip! I completely agree and feel like failures are condemned more often than they are praised. Failures only mean that you are trying something new. That in itself should be celebrated. If we did not move past failures and "Keep Moving Forward," it would be interested to see what our world would look like.

  2. Katie, I think that failure is something that will always help us grow. As college students, we are afraid of failure because it schooling that means that we don’t pass the class and often times have to retake it. Failure doesn’t always mean that you completely messed up but just maybe did not get the desired results or learned something along the way that changed the objective. I am an engineering student that is about to go into industry in June and understand that I will make mistakes but it will always sharpen my skills as an employee even though it may be discouraging at times.

  3. First thing’s first, I love the fact that you included that Meat the Robinsons clip! I remember watching it and loving the mantra “Keep Moving Forward.” I completely agree with you in that failure is unavoidable and imminent, but we can’t let that get us down. We have to keep moving forward, learn from failure, and continue to make progress! Good luck on the rest of the semester.
