Monday, January 23, 2017

Review: Week 1

This semester, in order to make sure I have all of my work backed up I am writing all of my stories on a word document first and then posting it. This will allow me to save two copies of my work, just in case something goes wrong.

I love the weekly emails for this class. Not only do they usual include a funny or motivational poster, but they also help remind me what needs to be done! My favorite thing from this weeks announcement has to be the picture of Dumbledore from the Week 1 orientation page. I love this quote for two reasons: its from Harry Potter and its my favorite quote. I have loved this quote since I first heard it when watching the Harry Potter movies. Since then, I have a shirt and a poster with this quote on it.

The best quote ever. by Dumbledore. Web Source

Words play such a major role in this class. We use them as inspiration for our stories and as vessels to bring new meaning to something. 

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