Monday, January 23, 2017

Famous Last Words: Week One

Week one, for some is known as the syllabus week and for others its just a normal week. I fall into the later category! I hit the first week rolling. My professors wasted no time when assigning homework assignments and papers. For me, the first two weeks of school are hardest because you are trying to establish a schedule. One thing I learned last year and didn't apply this year was GET AHEAD. Unfortunately, I was unable to start this class early like I wanted, but with a few long hard days I am hoping to get ahead on future weeks. One thing that I want to stress is try to do as much extra credit in this class as you can! Last year, I was able to finish two weeks early and it was a great feeling to already be done and be able to focus on finals!

For this class I am really excited to get started with the readings and the project! Last semester I choose to do a storybook, so I am really interested in exploring the portfolio option this semester! One thing that I like about this class versus the Myth and Folklore class, is that we are getting to read actual books! I think that reading books is a fun change from the style of the other class! On the downside, I am having to wait for the OU bookstore to complete my order, so I can start reading! I will miss having so many different fun reading options though!

For this next week I am really hoping to start my process of getting ahead. I know I can do it, it is just a matter of planning out free time to get it done! While there is a lot of work in this class it is so rewarding to look over your blog and all that you have done at the end of the year! I still go back to my Myth blog to look at my work.

This is great motivation for the coming weeks. Web Source 


  1. Hello,

    It is awesome that you are switching it up and doing a portfolio this semester. I hope you are liking it? I also think it is important to get ahead as much as possible. I love the quote you added by Mark Twain. I think it is so true. Sometimes even getting started can be such a struggle, so to get ahead is highly important! I hope you are doing well and that your semester is turning out nicely. I look forward to reading your stories, especially the continuation of the Harry Potter themed one.

  2. I would like to say that I'm the same way, but that would be a lie. I always tell myself that I am going to get ahead and get everything done way before the due date, but for example- here I am doing my assignment on the last possible day!! I hope to spend time this week getting most of this class work done, but I guess we'll see!
