Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Introduction to an Eclectic Soul

Hi Guys! As you can see from my blog my name is Katie Nichols! I am a senior, public relations major within the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication. This year has been really exciting so far because this is the first year of my 4 + 1 accelerated masters degree (I say exciting, but what I really mean is scared out of my mind.) When I finish my masters my dream job is to work in the entertainment industry. I have always loved reading and watching movies, so it seemed like the perfect career for me to go into (fingers crossed, I can make it happen!)

This summer was fun because I was an intern at RD Thomas Advertising in Lubbock Texas. For an in-depth look at my personality and what my internship was all about you can see my intern spotlight. This semester I am serving as the Assistant Public Relations Director for Lindsey and Asp, which is Gaylord’s student-run advertising and PR agency. This is my favorite program that Gaylord offers, because it offers hands-on experience and because it is run by a great group of students! 

Beyond that the main thing to know about me is I am obsessed with Harry Potter. I have them practically memorized and can quote them as I type this on my Harry Potter decal covered computer and sip from my Hogwarts Coffee glass. My love of the Harry Potter series when I was younger led me to a life-long love of reading. I love books in any form I can get and when I am driving home to Lubbock, Texas, where I’m from, I listen to my audible account. My favorite books are fiction, while I love a true story, there is something magical about entering a world that’s entirely made up. 

I hope this has given you a look into who I am! I’m an open book (see my pun?), so ask me anything you want! I am an eclectic soul and my favorite things in life are good friends and family.  I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes from the movie and book, We Bought a Zoo. I hope it gives you the courage to step outside of your comfort zone!! 

 This is a partial quote from Benjamin Mee the author of We Bought a Zoo. Web source: Pinterest 


  1. I think it's really neat that you want in the movie industry. It's a really big thing just to reach there. I know someone who has done some set construction in Hollywood, and he has even done some house remodels for some stars. Completely true story I'm telling you here! I was talking to him yesterday because he works at the same place I do. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!

  2. Your blog looks so pretty, Katie! Is this the same design you used for last semester? I can't remember... but I sure do like it! And I am so excited to see what you will do with the class this semester: Indian Epics has a different kind of focus than Myth-Folklore, but at the same time you will meet lots of fantastic and weird creatures, and of course that book about King Vikram and the Vetala is on the class reading list this semester too. And people have even done Hogwarts-themed stories for this class because the Patil sisters provide the perfect excuse for Indian storytelling in a Harry Potter world. So many things to explore and experiment with: I hope you will have fun with all of it!

    1. Thank you so much! I kept the same layout, but chose a different background for my blog! I am so excited for this semester! I will definitely be using something from Harry Potter in my stories this semester!

  3. Katie, first of all it is very nice to meet you! I enjoyed reading your get to know me post. I am also a Public Relations major, but I had no idea that people were participating in the 4 + 1 program already! That is so exciting for you, and will definitely be beneficial in the future.

  4. Hello Katie,

    It is so nice to meet you! I am also a big Harry Potter fan, but maybe not as much as you are. I find it fascinating that you want to go into the entertainment world. I feel as if that world can get scary! However, props to you for going for your dream. I use to love to read. I would do it all the time, but I found that when I came to OU my time was very limited. However, I hope to pick up reading again soon. The quote was also inspirational. I agree that 20 seconds of courage for anyone, could do a lifetime worth. Thank you for sharing! I look forward to seeing your blogs and Harry Potter themed stories you come up with!

  5. Hi Katie!

    Wow, congratulations on beginning your journey into getting your masters! That is really exciting! I have always loved visiting Gaylord because it is so nice, however, being a science major we don't really have a building that great. I usually try to study at Gaylord, but I don't really know all of the places in there yet. Maybe you could tell me about some of your favorite study spots there! Also, your love for Harry Potter is completely relatable, as I also am a big fan!

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  7. Nice to meet you Katie and I also LOVE Harry Potter. I have the chest that has all of the books in it. That is also the same series where I discovered my love for reading. My favorite book is the first one. I have had one class in Gaylord and it was when I was exploring majors my freshmen year. Good luck with your Master's degree! You can do it!

  8. Glad to meet a fellow fiction reader. My favorite books are by J.R.R. Tolkien and his son. The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit series (basically anything middle earth he created) are my absolute favorites. I can also quote an insane amount of the books and movies. Congratulations on the starting steps of your masters.

  9. Hi Katie. Congratulations on all your accomplishments! Hard work sure does pay off :). Your introduction was pleasant to read - what / where in the entertainment industry do you want to get into? I have honestly never seen or read Harry Potter, but I have heard that it is really good. Ugh, how I wish I had time for reading books (that is not school related).

  10. Hi Katie! Wow, you are a busy girl! You seem like you're really happy in your major, and that is so important! I am excited for you, and think you'd be great in the entertainment industry! And woohoo, a fellow Harry Potter fan! I am not the kind of person who reads all the time, but I could sit and read Harry Potter all day long! You seem to be such a passionate person which is an admirable quality. Love the ending quote as well! Nice to meet you! :)

  11. Hello Katie! I see we share a love of Harry Potter! I downloaded the books onto my nook app that’s on my ipad. It’s so hard to focus on taking notes on that thing now when I know I can just switch over and read the Harry Potter books instead! Have you kept up with JK Rowling’s twitter? And Pottermore? She gives a lot of extra information about the HP world! I can’t wait for the rest of the new series!

  12. Hi, Katie! It’s great to meet another Potterhead in this class! As for me, I’m a Hufflepuff (kind of upset about it at first but I’ve learned to embrace it!) What house do you belong to? Anyway! I think it’s pretty cool that you’re wanting to go into the entertainment industry! That sounds like it would be a great career field to go to since you love books/movies!

  13. Hello Katie! I really enjoy reading through your introduction. It is awesome to meet a fellow Potterhead in this class :D What you got to do for your major sounds so cool and interesting. You seem to have a lot of fun as well! The entertainment or movie industry is really competitive, but I wish you all the best of luck and I hope your dream will come true! It is nice meeting you!

  14. Well, it is crazy to think that we are six weeks in and I am still meeting people! It seems like a lot of people in this class are PR majors. I am a communication major, but not mass communication. People usually don't understand why I am not in Gaylord. I would say it is more research. I am glad you love Harry Potter. My roommate also loves Harry Potter, but honestly I have never been into it! That is okay though because it takes all types of people with all types of interests to make society better! Goodluck with your semester.

  15. Hi Katie! Nice to meet you! I am also a senior this year and extremely looking forward to graduation. You mentioned that this is your first year of the accelerated master’s program so does that mean that you will have your master’s by spring of 2018? If so, that is awesome! I saw your story planning from Harry Potter and here you mentioned that you are obsessed with Harry Potter so I definitely see the connection. Best of luck on the rest of the semester!

  16. Hi Katie! Nice to meet you, I am also a Harry Potter fan. I am going to Harry Potter world next christmas break and I am so excited! So cool that you decided to base your storybook off of something you find so much interest in. The entertainment industry is super exciting, do you know what area you want to end up in? Anyway, nice to meet you!

  17. Nice to meet you! You seem like you are very busy a lot of the time!! Harry Potter is pretty cool and it seems like a lot of people in this class are interested in it too! Have you ever gotten to go to Orlando Studios to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter? It is a lot of fun, if you haven’t gone you definitely should in the future!!

  18. Katie, that is so awesome that you are following your dreams and taking that extra step! I feel like assistant director is a pretty big deal! That is so awesome! I love love love Harry Potter too! Have you been to Harry Potter World in Florida? I went for my high school graduation and a few years before. IT IS AWESOME. I strongly recommend the main ride in Hogwarts and get a butter beer (duh). Thanks for sharing!

  19. Hi Katie! I am also a huge HP nerd! I even listen to the Harry Potter soundtracks on Spotify while I study sometimes haha. I also love to listen to audibles while driving home. Even though Dallas isn't as far as Lubbock, it still is a way better use of my time as opposed to just listening to the same songs over and over again. I ditto the comments above me, the Harry Potter world in Orlando really is worth it!! I look forward to reading your stories!

  20. Hi Katie, that’s awesome that your doing the accelerated masters degree program! I considered doing that for my major but was sure I couldn’t handle another year of college. It sounds you have had a lot of really cool internships and experiences and I’m sure you’ll be a great addition to the entertainment industry when you graduate! Nice to meet you!

  21. Hi Katie! I actually have not seen or read any of the Harry Potter films/books. I know, its crazy right. I have a lot of catching up to do with the world. Haha. I convinced myself I will sit down one day, and at least watch all the movies. If not that, than my boyfriend and friends will probably make me watch it one day.

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  23. Hi Katie! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments so far in your college career. Having a summer internship, getting into your master’s program and being the Assistant Public Relations Director for Lindsey and Asp is so amazing! It seems that you have a lot of your plate, but it looks like you have it down! The Harry Potter series is such a great set of books and movies, so it is easy to see why you are obsessed!
    Thanks for sharing!

  24. Hi Katie, it is nice to meet you. That's great that you're a Harry Potter fan. I have been to the place at universal studios with all of the Harry Potter rides, but that is the extent of my knowledge when it comes to that. It looks like you are doing just fine in your career path. Good luck with the rest of your semester and finish strong!
