Friday, January 20, 2017

Time Strategies

"I learned that we can do anything, but we can't do everything... at least not at the same time. So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them. Timing is everything."
Author: Dan Millman

I think this quote is a great representation of this class. After taking Myth and Folklore last semester I learned that in order to be successful and have fun with a class like this you must work to manage your time. This class presents so many opportunities to grow as a writer and as a reader, but it is easy to often feel overwhelmed or short on time. 

For me, time management comes in the form of keeping an up-to-date Google Calendar and planner. With these tools I am able to not only manage my time, but keep track of my assignments.  I highly recommend a Google Calendar for anyone who is worried about getting overwhelmed this semester. There are so many great features to the Google Calendar like notifications, sharing your schedule and creating appointments. 

Because of  my love of planners and lists I naturally gravitated towards the article, The Psychology of Checklists.  One of my favorite things I took from this article was about the importance of setting "SMART" goals. These are goals that are, "Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound." I think that this is such an important aspect of time management because its important to be realistic about the time you have. While I would like to say I have time to a million things in a day, the truth is it is often pick and choose when deciding what you will do that day. 

In order to be the best student, person and thinker you can be, it is important to understand how to devote yourself to different activities without neglecting others. For those of you out there who feel like they need a little extra nudge to get things done. Do yourself a favor and download the free Google Calendar app. It can help you manage your life, while still having fun in the process!! 

Don't be like this! Plan ahead! Web Source 

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